05 January 2011

What I already know.

In my reading this morning, 1 Thessalonians, I was challenged with a thought coming from chapter 4:1-7. A brief synopsis and re-write in my own words would go comething like this:

"You are already doing things pretty well, just keep doing them right. You already know exactly what you are to be doing and how you are to behave because we taught you well. So, in essence, keep living in the way that separates you from everyone else, understanding that God has called you to do it and will be displeased if you stop"

Usually, things like we read in this portion come as a correction to behavior. People are engaged in it, therefore corrected by the apostles. But what strikes me hear, and throughout the book, is that Thessalonica seems to be a "good church". My challenge today in my own life is that even the best of us need to be ever reminded of God's holiness and calling.

Brass tacks: we are never beyond the temptation of evil. On a side note, i would say we are probably most vulnerable when things are going well. So next time you are sitting in a sermon, reading something devotionally, or in conversation with an "iron" friend and overcome with the attitude of "I already know that"; then stop and thank God for the reminder, and continure to live again what you already know you are capable of through His divine power. The best approach to life will always be, "God help me live it again today."

I challenge you to pray this occasionally: Lord, teach me nothing new, rather help me live in perfect obedience to what i already know.

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