05 January 2011

Jesus Christ Superstar

Is anyone else sick of the fact that Jesus has become so disgustingly commercial? I recall a statement made some time ago by one of my ministry heroes. He was commenting on the fact that he went to see the Gaithers years ago for free and it was held in a small room and everyone sort of set on the floor. He proceeded to say that he had seen them recently and paid something like $18.00 a ticket to sit in a grand auditorium and hear the same music. He made this statement I will never forget, "Jesus has become big buisness!". You make a trip to the local Christian mega-mart and you see people turning the gospel into capital gain. The lines between capitalism and Christianity are becoming blurred if not dissapearing all together. I sincerely want to puke, like honestly get physically nautious whenever I see certain Christian apparel, twenty nine thousand bibles filled with commentary of our church-world celebrities vs. well-studied theological minds, and when I am overwhelmed with conference posters offering to sell me the key to ministry success. Maybe its a personality thing, but sometimes I feel that it's genuine righteous indignation. And when one speaks up about things, he/she finds a million amens, which tells that people have become resolute to sit, tolerate, and never let love and truth have its changing power that comes as a result of honest evaluation. Lord help us all. I can never say that I am not guilty of the same, or give the impression that I have the idea of perfect church and Christianity, I do, however feel like its time to stand up for certain things that are crucial as we enter what most believe to be the last days, no matter how unpopular they are. I am not a rebel, nor do I wish to cause dissension. I want to begin some critical conversation and find some solutions that will cause us to evaluate ourselves and our methods, so somehow we can find the most genuine faith possible and live it out in a most genuine way, a way that doesn't nausiate people (inside and outside) to the point of turning away.

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