05 January 2011

The Great Debate

I have been doing quite a bit of study lately into the whole Calvinism vs. Arminianism theology debate. And I believe it or not, this note is in no way a quest for your thoughts on the subject. Not that you cant add them if you wish.
This is an endless debate whether you know it by name or not. Let me say the unpardonable phrase which I am certain you have heard in the church: "Once saved always saved". Now are you with me on how much of an issue this has caused?

Funny enough that's only one point of one side. There are acutally five points that are argued chiefly, each side holding a valid opinion with scripture they say backs their opinion to the fullest. Let me stop here and say that most people i meet cold care less about theology and dont think its necessary to grow in it. I think that's frightening even though they seem to be quite content in what knowledge their tradition alone has provided. And while I can't agree in any form with the choice of stagnancy, this note is not about slamming them either.

I personally love to bridge gaps. I find it thrilling as a pastor to preach in a way that brings people to God, people to people, and people to universal agreement. Call me a peacemaker if you will. I just love taking two sides of something and trying to reach an understanding that creates harmony and fruitfulness. I think we can agree to disagree and that what we debate over we do not have to divide over. This is the way i see it.

So in such foolish attempt to do such, I am writing to bring the staunch calvinist and die-hard arminiast together in faith. How arrogant I am.

It would be unfair if i did not say that both sides could possibly be wrong and there is a such thing as wrong theology. Think about it, if two people take opposing sides, one has to be wrong. We can't all be right. That's realtivism. And truth is by nature exclusive. So although I am attempting to take a unity measure here, i challenge you to take a dive into some form of theoloigical study. What you believe about God is the basis of your behavior toward Him. So I can't write this without challenging you to try and become a scholar of God's Word. Look at it this way, it can't hurt you.

How can I diminish this staunch dividing line of hardcore belief? I want to offer you one question as it pertains to your complete salvation: What does your heart say about Christ? I am not talking randomly but constantly. I think it fair to say there is a strong contingency that look around at the church, or even their own lives and say to themselves, "I dont know what I am looking for, but this cant possibly be it." And now let me re-emphasize with some other explanatory questions. How strong is the "call"? How stubborn is His grace in comparison to how many times you step out of line? Do you ever feel as if His power will not release you no matter how much you may even feel at times that you want out? If your life in Him has reached some sort of ho-hum could care less at times attitude, you then may have to face the fact that salvation is not yet yours (and this no matter what theology you claim). This "call" of God n Christ Jesus is so extremely potent and powerful that it refuses to let up, no matter the depth of man's depravity and utter sinfulness. It is unexplainable in the internal soul. If there is a physical attrubute, I would say it would be tears and the inability to speak. This great slavation is not a cruise control of morality and good works tempered with half-baked commitment to the cause. It's more of a "I cannot help but follow". It is the, "where else in the world can I go" revelation of the apostle Peter.

This has to be the life that both realms of theology seek. A life and call greater than that they can possibly make for themselves. The point is this, whether God chooses or we choose, no matter what we beleive on the origin of sin and capability of man, or whether not a man could "lose" his salvation could just possibly pale in comparison to how strongly Christ is holding us in our life by His grace; then that love so powerful it relentlessly calls us forward. Salvation, my friend, is that strong hand that pulls our face back towards holy affection when it even glances at another. It nit-picks even the smallest of error and begs us back into formation with His righteousness. Our flesh hates it, but our soul delights in it. It is just...that....powerful.

And this stronghold of Christ on the life of man must be what we all seek.

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