05 January 2011

Rights and Priveliges

I am ever being awakened to the differences between American and global views of chrisitanity. I hope that never changes.
Today I was so encouraged by the book of Hebrews as I was reading. Hebrews is just a wonderful book that so elegantly lays the foundation of Christ and all that He is. I encourage to read this book if you haven't in a while.
I was particulary enlightened and enouraged as I read in chapter 9:11-12, "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come...he entered once and for all into the holy places but by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing eternal redemption." Wow! I began to muse on that which led me into the thought of what a privilege it is to be connected with God because (and only because) of what Christ did. I know that this is an already visited thought in principle, but too often we treat it like a right more than a priviliege. I have heard preachers say that the holy of holies was opened for us when the temple veil was torn. I don't think that's completely accurate in the sense that it is now open for business, as if we can enter to go in and out whenever we want. The scripture says that Christ entered it, which means he became our high priest. Our access to that sacred holy place, that place that struck fear into to the commoner in the Old Testamant, is still contingent upon the entrance of the priest on our behalf, and we only enter as a privilege because of what He has done. Thanks be to God for giving us such a great salvation, and shame be to us if we negelct to identify with Christ who made it, and still makes it possible (Hebrews 2:1-4 restated).
Sunday I am preaching on spiritual disciplines, and I began to record some of these thoughts in my preparation. When you speak of disciplines everyone gets that ill-feeling in their stomachs, like"God here we go again". That is largely in part of failing to see it all as a privilege. You see as of late, it has been treated as our right to do with God as we please. We will study him, pray to him, meditate on him just so long as he doesn't interfere with our other rights. But no, we have forgotten, that b/c of Christ, we have the privilege of God hearing us, gaining knoweldge of Him, and allowing our minds to be changed by Him. I never had the right, never will. Relationship with God has been made my priviliege, thanks be to him for all He has done.

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