05 January 2011

In the Morning

But I cry to you for help, O Lord;in the morning my prayer comes before you. -Psalm 88:13

What did you do this morning? How did your day start? For me, my whole day seems to be dictated by what I do in the morning. For some reason, a day starting with discipline turns out to be a very disciplined day, a day that starts rushed is a rushed day, a day starting with unrest continues with unrest. The morning is the start of something for all of us. How do we start?In a short overlook I discovered that there are roughly 205 references to the morning in the Bible. The more I looked at some of these I found that the morning, much like today, was a pivotal moment. The mornings of the Bible held discovery, deep decision, beginnings of journey, meditations, reflections; they even held strong turning points of life. People waited on the morning, wished for the morning and rejoiced in the morning. In the morning God was always found in both glorious and dreadful ways. Either way, in the mornings, man encountered God.

Every new day screams God! His mercies are new, hope is new. The morning itself puts everything behind us and wipes our slate clean. Whatever we didn't do is now a part of of our fading past in the light of the morning's newness. Even deep sorrow only endures for the night, but joy is found in the morning!May you find God every morning. Each day still provides us the opportunity for encounter. In the silence of the morning, He whispers His love and direction. What is He speaking? In the newness of every day He embraces us. Can we embrace His heart in return?

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. -Psalm 143:8

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