05 January 2011

What are you doing for God?

Ever heard that question? Better yet, ever heard that challenge..go and do something for God! If you are anything like me, you have always equated that with devotional living. I always thought that meant that I should expressly read my Bible more, pray, and fast more. If I would give myself to the spiritual disciplines, then I would doing what I could for the Lord. The problem is, folks, I have come to realize that none of that really impresses Him. I don't know why that has always been my reaction, but it has. Now, that being said, does any of the above mentioned help me know God better? Absolutely. Is it it useful and should it be habitual? No doubt. But when it comes to "serving" God, or "doing something" for God, things are in a different field. I recently was channel surfing when I heard a guy say, "The only way that human being can do something FOR God is by doing something for another person." I didnt agree with that at first, but I can see exactly what he was saying. The Bible says in Acts 17:25: "And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything...". We understand by that scripture that there is nothing human kind can give to God directly. He is the giver to human kind, and not the opposite. God needs nothing from us that would make Him any better. However, we can do for Him by living according to His heart and giving to others. I do not God any favors by inserting all spiritual discipline in my life. I simply do myself a great service, because it is through that that I know His heart and am better equipped to serve humanity. We have discussed this in the past few blogs, and I have no intention of beating a dead horse. If not for anyone else, this Christian, me, I have to find myself out the deadly trap of trying to brown nose God by all that I know through any given spiritual diiscipline. I have no idea what ever got me in the mode of trying to impress Him anyway, it must be my own selfishness and faulty interpretation of the information I was provided growing up. Nevertheless, I'm sick of it. Discipline yes, but let the end of such bring to me to the altar of human service, make me a responder to all those in need no matter the cost.

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