05 January 2011

Clutter (A Modern Day Psalm)

I am so disheartened by the clutter in following Christ. Whenever I read that his "yoke is easy and burden is light", I just don't know if I believe it. And how does such "easy and light" fit in the grand scheme of the persecution and worldy hatred toward Him and all his followers anyway? I seem to toggle back and forth between love and hate of this life that I've chosen, or perhaps that was chosen for me (depending on that never-ending theological debate).
If I am able to speak when I stand before God, I would say that I only have one real question. Why did you choose the mess that is humanity to spread your message of love? It is no doubt that his other creation alone would screw it up a whole lot less. It is much more serene, majestic, and tranquil than we are. The tree surely stands more sure of itself than we in our ever-shaky confidence. Your sky is more glorious, more awe-inspiring than any human oratory. I myself am above the poorest example of this message of hope. Hypocrisy reigns over every step I take and my ability to communicate truth to crowds only reinforces my insanity. As much I as I would love to lay blame on God for this mess, it is only that we have made it that forces us to lie in it. Oh how much louder we would preach your love if only you would cut out our tongues.
This pure and simple devotion to Christ is so cliuttered by denominational disunty and planned events instead of presence of God. But we continue to put our trust in these processes. All seems to be bondage yet I call people to it simultaneously, because although cluttered so, it remains the best option. How are we supposed to find you in this mess, God, especially when everything about us robs us of the right to even speak your Holy name? But I still seek to find you, find you so well that I have to tremble in fear and am completely unable to speak. Perhaps then, for the first time, I can somehow be so blinded by your light, that I don't have the ability to see myself stumble, and that I will not be so overwhlemed with the clutter.

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