01 June 2010

I have a Question

This is an article I wrote for our Sunday bulletin that I wanted to share with some of you. I just personalized it toward me a little by taking out the "we". After all its a more personal reflection: I remember in my high school Algebra class as being lost. Let’s face it, I simply wasn’t gifted in math. I am more of a concrete thinker. I was confused at the introduction of variables and could not understand why x and y could not just stay the same number. I figured that if x and y were having an identity crisis, that I shouldn’t really intervene. But being in the class, and faced with failing, I resorted to questions…endless questions. I asked so many in fact that my teacher finally would answer them with, “Well that’s just the way it is, Pounds.” I escaped with a C average, and to this day I am wholly convinced that I charmed my way into that grade. I still have problems with the introduction of variables. Things change and shift. There is very little concrete on this planet in our day to day. Constant shifting of circumstances can often back us into a corner of questions. And I am quite ready to question the God of the universe. I bombard Him with whys and why nots, often using the fact that He doesn’t readily answer us as an excuse for our continued unbelief and spiritual complacency. I put God into the position that He must answer to us. But I must remember what the Psalmist said, “when I consider the works of your hands, what is man that you are mindful of him?” God is not afraid of my questions, but I have to remember that in His majesty, He really reserves the right not to answer. He stormed back the answer to Job’s inquiries of unfairness, “Where were you when I spun the earth into orbit?” Sometimes I have to understand whatever I am enduring, that it’s just the way things are; quite possibly it's divinely aligned no matter how uncomfortable it makes me. God has a plan. It is my place to continue to trust Him as I have the awesome opportunity to play a role within it. God bless. May you find trust and solace in the Everlasting.

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