13 July 2011

Living and Learning

I have spent the majority of my morning reading.  For some time I went on a reading drought.  I had made quite a habit for some time to read book after book but simply had to take a break, a break that lasted a little longer than anticipated.  Nevertheless, i am back in the saddle.
On top of reading books I have found myself back to THE GOOD BOOK.  I have started diving into it with the same gusto I did in my youth when challenged by my Youth pastor.  I love it...and I hate it.  I find myself with great joy and with great fear all at the same time.  Nothing cuts and simultaneously comforts like the Word of God.
While reading, being the only one in the office this morning, I am fielding phone calls.  A lady in the church is recently overcome with medical problems and numerous members of the church are looking for updates.  And as well, the typical phone calls arrive.  The first of which this morning was a recording of some lady saying we could be eligible for grants, others just random people who choose not to identify themselves asking for other staff members who are currently absent.  If I had to describe my morning, it has been a hodge-podge of activity and assignment.   But, isn't everyday.
My wife often asks me upon my coming home daily what I did that day.  Being a man, I usually say nothing.  Not unless I have a "to do" list am I very good at retracing my steps.  There's always a few big things that happens, or at least one memorable thing.  But most days are "routine" in a church office, not in the sense that you see the same things twice, but in the sense that it is work like anything else.  You have unexpected assignments and tasks that creep up on you, planning ahead, revisiting your procrastinated chores, and etc.
I think today as I read, and am, for lack of better terms, interrupted with other things as I do, that life is simply a cycle of living and learning.
I have always thought that to mean we learn from our living.  But I re-think that today.  I think learning can happen by chance as we have all had to learn lessons "the hard way".  But I really am starting to believe that the best learning will always be intentional, that maybe learning does not have to be the result of living, but rather living is enhanced by learning.  I find that my intentional learning, the making myself into a student daily, better prepares me for the things life throws at me.  I may have expected such phone calls this morning out of experience, but I can never predict them.  None of us can predict life.  But you can choose to learn.  If life wants to teach you something, learn it that way.  But choose to learn.  Learn by other's life that have lived before you.  Seek conversation and dialogue.  Read (especially God's Word).  Let your life be enriched because you were prepared for it.  And if someone asked you how you are today, simply say, "Learning and Living".

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