06 July 2011

Titus, Timothy, and Brian K. Pounds

The title of this blog has nothing to do with the fact that I think I compare with these two men, nonetheless, I do identify with them.  I feel that their "calling" is similar to mine.
It is a Pastor's calling for sure, a calling to train others and keep in line myself.  That sounds simple even as I write it, but it never is.  Keeping ones self above reproach is a daunting task.  I understand the element of God's grace and am truly thankful for that, but the fact that I am forgiven doesn't release me from the responsibility of guarding my life, and that with great dependence on the Holy Spirit.
As I read the book of Titus this morning, I see no fireworks.  There is a part of me that is trained to look for such "power" when I read the Word, or in "experience" with God and in ministry.  What I do see is living.  I see reminders of how to live.  I see common instruction for a "common faith" (Titus 1:4).  I read what is looked at today as common sense, but even titled as such, rarely obeyed by the masses.  I see reminders not to let evil get the best of us.  If I were to completely honest, I see what most people would define as things people should just be doing in the natural, things they should not have to be reminded to do.  But they do need told, we all do...again, again, again...and again.
And this is where I come in. It is what Titus and Timothy were supposed to do.  They, I, as pastors, serve as reminders to the people.  We are the repeated voice pleading with them to pursue Godly living.  We are to be the example of such living.  And in this redundant task, there was no promise of reward other than that of Heaven and being received at the return of Christ (Titus 1:13).  There was no, "if you do these things, the people will love and celebrate you", no "just wait to see how people respond, it's going to be EPIC".  It was, as much of a command for Titus to remind the people what they should be doing, a reminder to Titus from Paul what he should be doing.  Because, let's face it, even the Titus, Timothy, and the Brian K. Pounds forget their calling, and are guilty of being highly distracted by things they ought not to be.
We all want grand experience, something to show for our labor. One day we will have that. Until then, keep plugging away at your calling.  Pastor people.  Remind them of the things they should be pursuing, and when they forget, remind them again.  Do not grow weary in doing good (no matter how redundant it may seem).  Your calling is a privilege and granted by God. He, above all, is pleased with your diligence, and more so, your dependence on Him to see your calling to completion.

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