03 August 2011

Turn It Down A Notch!!

Proverbs 16:21
The wise of heart is called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.

My daughter loves to play her karaoke machine...loudly!  If it were anytime else other than when I am trying to watch something or talk to someone, maybe that would be better.  But I am always asking her to turn it down a little.
I am asking myself the same thing today.  I preached Sunday and when I came away from it I was sorely disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it was worthwhile subject matter and I got many compliments on the presentation of information.  I am not beating myself up or fishing for compliment.  I am simply a little disheartened because I yelled so much.
Of course I could say that's what I have been raised under or that's what Pentecostals expect, but I am trying to avoid all trains to Excuse-Ville.  One can use similar excuses to scream at their children (that's me too), but it doesn't do much to justify their behavior nor does it really produce much in the child either.  I don't know why I do it, but I am tired of this behavior.
I have to give myself some lead way to make room for passion.  The more passionate about a subject a person is, the more adamant they become in body language and speech.  I make no apologies for passion, but it seems as if lately I am just being loud. It's time to turn it down a little.
If you find yourself in the same situation, whether you are a public speaker or in your private chambers with family, here is what the Word of God is teaching me today:

1) Sweetness of speech INCREASES persuasiveness.
What are you trying to get accomplished?  And why do you feel you have to yell?  I remember once before God dealt with me about this and my voice became so much sweeter with my children.  I could not believe the different results I got.  There was a lack of disagreement, a lack of meltdowns when we did disagree, and an all-around peace in the home.  Maybe the Word is true: A soft answer does indeed turn away wrath.  When we soften our tone, we accomplish more, plain and simple.

2)  Sweetness of speech begins in the THOUGHT process.
Proverbs 6:20 says, "whoever gives thought to the matter will discover good" and it followed soon by verse 22 that says, "Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it."  I believe these two statements to be directly connected to verse 21 in between.  Our speech is always more eloquent when we have thought about what we are saying.  Sometimes yelling is just a sign of our own insecurity on the subject we are yelling about, or even insecurity toward the people we are yelling at.  Think about that for a moment.  Rants of any kind are usually filled with thoughtless opinions based on high emotions.  Rants can be helpful but we must make sure they entail education on the subject.  My buddy once had a bumper sticker on his CD case that said, "Don't hold strong opinions about things you don't understand"...I couldn't agree more.  To simplify all of this point, think before you speak.

3) Sweetness of speech gives LIFE.
Following verse 21 we see verse 25 of Proverbs 16.  It is following this discourse on speech and it reads, 'There is a way that seems right unto man, but its end is the way of death".  It would be one thing if only good speech helped the situation, but it's so much more in fact.  We also need to guard our speech because it seems that if bad speech could bring death.  I have heard quoted many times Proverbs 18:21, "the power of life and death are in the tongue".  Rings true.  There always justification for man to "speak his mind" in this great culture.  The men who created the idea of Free Speech perhaps turn over in the grave constantly for sake of the thoughtless spewing of the people they gave the right to.  I wish we all could just watch our tones with each other, and speak respectfully and wise.

I for one am challenged to turn it down a notch.  This idea shall become a part of my daily faith.  I certainly need Him to control the volume.

1 comment:

  1. Love it. As a gal who needs to turn it down a notch sometimes, this really hits home. I seem to be able to find a "sweet tongue" for everyone but those people who live in my house! Thanks, Brian!
