02 June 2009


I really admire Billy Graham...of course for what he has done, but more for what he has not. For a man who has spoken to more poeple than any other historical figure, about what is now one of the most attacked ways of life, he managed his whole life to stay controversy free.
It was a few years ago that I watched a special on his life. I learned that at the height of evangelical scandal (PTL, Robert Tilton, Swaggart, etc.) he gathered his team up for serious accountability. He instructed them to go to their hotel rooms and list every single pitfall of the minister. Then, they got together and made a pact to never let anyone fall into those traps. Whatever the details of the whats, when, and hows, they seemed to accomplish just that.
But what are my pitfalls? What are my traps? I doubt they are most uncommon to what they were then. Nevertheless, the importance of "keeping clean" is just as crucial. The word instructs me on "clean conscience" and "walking accordingly to the call". I want to take my list before God today, and everyday for that matter. It's important, ever so important that I do. Now, "to Him who is able to keep me from falling", I dedicate today.

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