26 May 2009


Yeah, I watched that movie this weekend. Of course I kept hoping for some dramatic ending which never happened...so is the way with oscar nominated movies. I guess I am just not "artsy" enough to appreciate movies that are supposed to make you think. I generally go to movies because I don't want to think. That is why it is a form of "a"musement (the absence of musing).
What is the country's obsession right now with "doubt". In the movie, Hoffman's character exclaimed, that "doubt can be as strong of a bond as certainty". I want to believe that because it is glamorous. It sounds as if we can become as one if we just stand together on what we do not know. Now, I do understand that those with the same doubts can form bonds through searching and even have intelligent conversation, but can doubt really bond humans together the same way certainty can? Hardly. Because what lies at the end of doubt? Nothing. There is no leg to stand on. Questions will never bond people as strong as answers. There has never been a religion, or cult for that matter, founded on doubt. No one has ever died for there doubts. And no people group has ever influenced anything or anyone for the better with doubt at their core.
Doubt, I say. Doubt strongly! But let that doubt play a proper role in your life and in the life of your group. That role is to lead you to certanity, strong certainty that carries with it the confidence to experience life, and bring it to others.

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