24 June 2009

Dazed and Confused

What does it take to gain clarity in this life? Is clarity over-rated? Do I really want people to be honest with me about the way that they feel toward me and/or what they expect from me? Maybe not.
Being the kind of person I am, I am more apt to stay confused with unclear instruction then to ask for guidance. Then I become the constant source of my own confusion, I suppose. Don't know if it's pride or the straight unwillingness to speak my mind, but I stay conufsed mostly, shooting in the dark toward unseen targets. The good news is, I tend to keep hitting the nothing I aim at. I come up empty handed most days because I was unsure what I wanted out of them to begin with.
But I am not certain that everything should be mapped out for us. Wouldn't that take away the adventure that life is? Should not life flow a little bit out of control at times, taking us down unexpected turns? Isn't that where we find character buidling opportunities vs. a well planned existence that has gone exactly how we set the course? On the back end, there would be no interesting stories to tell around campfires and grandparent's living rooms. Aren't the most inspirational stories mankind repeat for generations the ones where someting went chaotic? And then we get to hear the heart-pounding climax of how man overcame. And that is what makes the story great. It's what makes our stories great. It is that very out of control feeling that keeps the desire planted inside of us to yield control to someone else. Someone that helps us gain control, not of the chaos, but within the chaos...stabilizing our being and penning our novel that is life. We constantly miss, that is why that someone hit it for us. And maybe instead of me shooting at targets all day long, I should rejoice in the fact that the bullseye is already marked, and celebrate with the one who marked it.

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