26 June 2009


Oh how I long for the day that we can dress casual to come to church! I think that should be Psalm of David. If I were to write the Psalms for today, that would be the beginning of one of them...
The traditonals cry out with a theological tone "Wear your best for God! That's how He would have it be!" The post-moderns and the unbelievers say in return, "if you would just loosen up up a little bit, that is the way Jesus would have had it!" Frankly, I don't think He cares either way.
We put so much stock in how we do the externals. We are divided on this fact. Coat and tie vs. jeans and t-shirts have become a Heaven vs. Hell issue for many. Preachers can be shut out by some congregation members for not wearing suits and ties, and shunned by others for wearing them. GROW UP, BOTH OF YOU!
Where did we become so adamant in taking dogmatic stances on such trivial issues. Modesty, yes, let's do modest. Pride, yes, take pride in our appearances. But it seems we do more worshipping of our image then that of the image of our God.
We all, if not careful, stand guilty of breaking His commandment of making graven images. Newer churches frown on the suit and tie churches and vice versa. We promote our way of worship much more passionately then then the Person we worship. We spend more time selling and preparing our worship services than we do proclaiming His message and preparing ourselves to minister in His spirit. And the world, the true unbelievers (not current unhappy, spoiled church goers), often get killed in the cross-fire.
If you are going to be unshaken on the suit and tie method, just make sure your heart has a suit and tie as well. If not, you are one grand picture of a hypocrite. If you are going to take the casual approach to a worship service, just make sure you are not taking a casual approach in your worship period. Make sure loose in your appearance is not equal to loose in your commitment.

P.S. If all else fails, just put on dockers and a polo. That way you can have your cake, eat it too, and no one in your current tithing base gets too offended.

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